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Art-Window-Projekt in Düsseldorf ” No Grandi Navi “

Nachhaligkeit in Venedig Gerresheim. Wie in jedem Jahr zum Jahreswechsel hat Werner Bukard die Fenster der Stadtbücherei Gerresheim zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt und soziale Gerechtigkeit gestaltet. Diesmal widmet er sich der Hafenstadt Venedig und dem Kampf der venezianischen Umwelt- und Naturschützer um den Erhalt ihrer historischen Altstadt. Burkard hat dazu Pressefotos, Plakate, Cartoons und Satiren zusammengestellt und informiert auf ...

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The Guardian: ‘Non voglio che le navi mi uccidano’

‘Non voglio che le navi mi uccidano’: Marsiglia combatte l’inquinamento delle navi da crociera Si stima che il traffico navale rappresenti il 10% dell’inquinamento atmosferico della città, gli attivisti delle associazioni si concentrano in particolare sul settore delle crociere. Dal suo balcone sopra il porto di Marsiglia Jean-Pierre Eyraud ha un punto di vista di primissimo piano delle gigantesche navi ...

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Fast shoreline erosion induced by ship wakes in a coastal lagoon: Field evidence and remote sensing analysis

Tratto da journals.plos.org – Abstract An investigation based on in-situ surveys combined with remote sensing and GIS analysis revealed fast shoreline retreat on the side of a major waterway, the Malamocco Marghera Channel, in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Monthly and long-term regression rates caused by ship wakes in a reclaimed industrial area were considered. The short-term analysis, based on field ...

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